Hai Sobat.
Saya ikal
Disini, saya akan share sesuatu nih

Disini saya akan mempraktekan cara mengganti key RFM (RESPONSIVE FILE MANAGER). Manfaat nya apa bang? Manfaat nya biar lu ga ketikung hasil deface nya lol. Gw sering liat defacer yang takut banget di tikung hehe ada yang ampe ngajak war wer wor, ada yang ampe blak blakan di sw, yah gitulah kalo defacer marah. Bahkan bisa aja muka lo di pajang di .gov dan di xixi ngeri.

> Okeh langsung saja, bahan yang kalian perlukan untuk mengganti key nya hanyalah shell backdoor saja.
> Disini saya sudah punya live target dari website PPDB yah, dan default key nya adalah 4r5S-KduJ7ts098
Target :

> terlihat, RFM (RESPONSIVE FILE MANAGER) nya terbuka hanya dengan memasukan key default. Dan misalkan kalian ingin mendeface site nya dan kalian berhasil meng-upload shell dengan metode inject filename.

> shell sudah terupload dan mari kita ganti key untuk mengakses RFM nya.
> untuk mengganti nya, kalian hanya perlu mengedit file config.php yang berada di folder atau directory /plugin/filemanager/config/config.php

> Dan codingan config.php nya seperti ini : 
if (session_id() == '') session_start();

include "../../library/config.php";
include "../../../library/config.php";
$query = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM setting WHERE parameter='folder'");
$setting = $query->fetch_array();
$folder_website = $setting['nilai'];

| Optional security
| if set to true only those will access RF whose url contains the access key(akey) like:
| <input type="button" href="../filemanager/dialog.php?field_id=imgField&lang=en_EN&akey=myPrivateKey" value="Files">
| in tinymce a new parameter added: filemanager_access_key:"myPrivateKey"
| example tinymce config:
| tiny init ...
| external_filemanager_path:"../filemanager/",
| filemanager_title:"Filemanager" ,
| filemanager_access_key:"myPrivateKey" ,
| ...

define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', true); // TRUE or FALSE


define('DEBUG_ERROR_MESSAGE', false); // TRUE or FALSE

| Path configuration
| In this configuration the folder tree is
| root
|    |- source <- upload folder
|    |- thumbs <- thumbnail folder [must have write permission (755)]
|    |- filemanager
|    |- js
|    |   |- tinymce
|    |   |   |- plugins
|    |   |   |   |- responsivefilemanager
|    |   |   |   |   |- plugin.min.js

$config = array(

| DON'T TOUCH (base url (only domain) of site).
| without final / (DON'T TOUCH)
'base_url' => ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ! in_array(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']), array( 'off', 'no' ))) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],

| path from base_url to base of upload folder
| with start and final /
'upload_dir' => $folder_website.'/media/source/',
| relative path from filemanager folder to upload folder
| with final /
'current_path' => '../../media/source/',

| relative path from filemanager folder to thumbs folder
| with final /
| DO NOT put inside upload folder
'thumbs_base_path' => '../../media/thumbs/',

| FTP configuration BETA VERSION
| If you want enable ftp use write these parametres otherwise leave empty
| Remember to set base_url properly to point in the ftp server domain and 
| upload dir will be ftp_base_folder + upload_dir so without final /
'ftp_host'         => false,
'ftp_user'         => "user",
'ftp_pass'         => "pass",
'ftp_base_folder'  => "base_folder",
'ftp_base_url'     => "http://site to ftp root",
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| path from ftp_base_folder to base of thumbs folder with start and final |
'ftp_thumbs_dir' => '/thumbs/',
'ftp_ssl' => false,
'ftp_port' => 21,

// 'ftp_host'         => "",
// 'ftp_user'         => "",
// 'ftp_pass'         => "Test.1234",
// 'ftp_base_folder'  => "/domains/",

| Access keys
| add access keys eg: array('myPrivateKey', 'someoneElseKey');
| keys should only containt (a-z A-Z 0-9 \ . _ -) characters
| if you are integrating lets say to a cms for admins, i recommend making keys randomized something like this:
| $username = 'Admin';
| $salt = 'dsflFWR9u2xQa' (a hard coded string)
| $akey = md5($username.$salt);
| DO NOT use 'key' as access key!

'access_keys' => array('4r5S-KduJ7ts098'),


| Maximum size of all files in source folder
| in Megabytes
'MaxSizeTotal' => false,

| Maximum upload size
| in Megabytes
'MaxSizeUpload' => 8,

| File and Folder permission
'fileFolderPermission' => 0755,

| default language file name
'default_language' => "en_EN",

| Icon theme
| Default available: ico and ico_dark
| Can be set to custom icon inside filemanager/img
'icon_theme' => "ico",

//Show or not total size in filemanager (is possible to greatly increase the calculations)
'show_total_size' => true,
//Show or not show folder size in list view feature in filemanager (is possible, if there is a large folder, to greatly increase the calculations)
'show_folder_size' => true,
//Show or not show sorting feature in filemanager
'show_sorting_bar' => true,
//Show or not show filters button in filemanager
'show_filter_buttons'                   => true,
//Show or not language selection feature in filemanager
'show_language_selection' => true,
//active or deactive the transliteration (mean convert all strange characters in A..Za..z0..9 characters)
'transliteration' => false,
//convert all spaces on files name and folders name with $replace_with variable
'convert_spaces' => true,
//convert all spaces on files name and folders name this value
'replace_with' => "_",
//convert to lowercase the files and folders name
'lower_case' => true,

//Add ?484899493349 (time value) to returned images to prevent cache
'add_time_to_img'                       => true,

// -1: There is no lazy loading at all, 0: Always lazy-load images, 0+: The minimum number of the files in a directory
// when lazy loading should be turned on.
'lazy_loading_file_number_threshold' => 0,

//Images limit and resizing configuration

// set maximum pixel width and/or maximum pixel height for all images
// If you set a maximum width or height, oversized images are converted to those limits. Images smaller than the limit(s) are unaffected
// if you don't need a limit set both to 0
'image_max_width'                         => 1024,
'image_max_height'                        => 768,
'image_max_mode'                          => 'auto',
#  $option:  0 / exact = defined size;
#            1 / portrait = keep aspect set height;
#            2 / landscape = keep aspect set width;
#            3 / auto = auto;
#            4 / crop= resize and crop;

//Automatic resizing //
// If you set $image_resizing to TRUE the script converts all uploaded images exactly to image_resizing_width x image_resizing_height dimension
// If you set width or height to 0 the script automatically calculates the other dimension
// Is possible that if you upload very big images the script not work to overcome this increase the php configuration of memory and time limit
'image_resizing'                          => true,
'image_resizing_width'                    => 0,
'image_resizing_height'                   => 0,
'image_resizing_mode'                     => 'auto', // same as $image_max_mode
'image_resizing_override'                 => false,
// If set to TRUE then you can specify bigger images than $image_max_width & height otherwise if image_resizing is
// bigger than $image_max_width or height then it will be converted to those values

//Watermark url or false
'image_watermark'                          => false,
# Could be a pre-determined position such as:
#           tl = top left,
#           t  = top (middle),
#           tr = top right,
#           l  = left,
#           m  = middle,
#           r  = right,
#           bl = bottom left,
#           b  = bottom (middle),
#           br = bottom right
#           Or, it could be a co-ordinate position such as: 50x100
'image_watermark_position'                 => 'br',
# padding: If using a pre-determined position you can
#         adjust the padding from the edges by passing an amount
#         in pixels. If using co-ordinates, this value is ignored.
'image_watermark_padding'                 => 0,

// Default layout setting
// 0 => boxes
// 1 => detailed list (1 column)
// 2 => columns list (multiple columns depending on the width of the page)
'default_view'                            => 0,

//set if the filename is truncated when overflow first row
'ellipsis_title_after_first_row'          => true,

//Permissions configuration
'delete_files'                            => true,
'create_folders'                          => true,
'delete_folders'                          => true,
'upload_files'                            => true,
'rename_files'                            => true,
'rename_folders'                          => true,
'duplicate_files'                         => true,
'copy_cut_files'                          => true, // for copy/cut files
'copy_cut_dirs'                           => true, // for copy/cut directories
'chmod_files'                             => false, // change file permissions
'chmod_dirs'                              => false, // change folder permissions
'preview_text_files'                      => false, // eg.: txt, log etc.
'edit_text_files'                         => false, // eg.: txt, log etc.
'create_text_files'                       => false, // only create files with exts. defined in $editable_text_file_exts

// you can preview these type of files if $preview_text_files is true
'previewable_text_file_exts'              => array( "bsh", "c","css", "cc", "cpp", "cs", "csh", "cyc", "cv", "htm", "html", "java", "js", "m", "mxml", "perl", "pl", "pm", "py", "rb", "sh", "xhtml", "xml","xsl" ),
'previewable_text_file_exts_no_prettify'  => array( 'txt', 'log' ),

// you can edit these type of files if $edit_text_files is true (only text based files)
// you can create these type of files if $create_text_files is true (only text based files)
// if you want you can add html,css etc.
// but for security reasons it's NOT RECOMMENDED!
'editable_text_file_exts'                 => array( 'txt', 'log', 'xml', 'html', 'css', 'htm', 'js' ),

// Preview with Google Documents
'googledoc_enabled'                       => true,
'googledoc_file_exts'                     => array( 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx' ),

// Preview with Viewer.js
'viewerjs_enabled'                        => true,
'viewerjs_file_exts'                      => array( 'pdf', 'odt', 'odp', 'ods' ),

// defines size limit for paste in MB / operation
// set 'FALSE' for no limit
'copy_cut_max_size'                       => 10,
// defines file count limit for paste / operation
// set 'FALSE' for no limit
'copy_cut_max_count'                      => 10,
//IF any of these limits reached, operation won't start and generate warning

//Allowed extensions (lowercase insert)
'ext_img'                                 => array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'svg' ), //Images
'ext_file'                                => array( 'doc', 'docx', 'rtf', 'pdf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'txt', 'csv', 'psd', 'fla', 'ppt', 'pptx'), //Files
'ext_video'                               => array( 'mov', 'mpeg', 'm4v', 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpg', 'wma', "flv", "webm" ), //Video
'ext_music'                               => array( 'mp3', 'mpga', 'm4a', 'ac3', 'aiff', 'mid', 'ogg', 'wav' ), //Audio
'ext_misc'                                => array( 'zip', 'rar', 'gz', 'tar', 'iso', 'dmg' ), //Archives

* AVIARY config
'aviary_active'                           => true,
'aviary_apiKey'                           => "2444282ef4344e3dacdedc7a78f8877d",
'aviary_language'                         => "en",
'aviary_theme'                            => "light",
'aviary_tools'                            => "all",
'aviary_maxSize'                          => "1400",
// Add or modify the Aviary options below as needed - they will be json encoded when added to the configuration so arrays can be utilized as needed

//The filter and sorter are managed through both javascript and php scripts because if you have a lot of
//file in a folder the javascript script can't sort all or filter all, so the filemanager switch to php script.
//The plugin automatic swich javascript to php when the current folder exceeds the below limit of files number
'file_number_limit_js'                    => 500,

// Hidden files and folders
// set the names of any folders you want hidden (eg "hidden_folder1", "hidden_folder2" ) Remember all folders with these names will be hidden (you can set any exceptions in config.php files on folders)
'hidden_folders'                          => array(),
// set the names of any files you want hidden. Remember these names will be hidden in all folders (eg "this_document.pdf", "that_image.jpg" )
'hidden_files'                            => array( 'config.php' ),

* URL upload
'url_upload'                             => true,

* JAVA upload
'java_upload'                             => true,
'JAVAMaxSizeUpload'                       => 10, //Gb

//Thumbnail for external use creation

// New image resized creation with fixed path from filemanager folder after uploading (thumbnails in fixed mode)
// If you want create images resized out of upload folder for use with external script you can choose this method,
// You can create also more than one image at a time just simply add a value in the array
// Remember than the image creation respect the folder hierarchy so if you are inside source/test/test1/ the new image will create at
// path_from_filemanager/test/test1/
// PS if there isn't write permission in your destination folder you must set it
'fixed_image_creation'                    => false, //activate or not the creation of one or more image resized with fixed path from filemanager folder
'fixed_path_from_filemanager'             => array( '../test/', '../test1/' ), //fixed path of the image folder from the current position on upload folder
'fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'    => array( '', 'test_' ), //name to prepend on filename
'fixed_image_creation_to_append'          => array( '_test', '' ), //name to appendon filename
'fixed_image_creation_width'              => array( 300, 400 ), //width of image (you can leave empty if you set height)
'fixed_image_creation_height'             => array( 200, '' ), //height of image (you can leave empty if you set width)
#             $option:     0 / exact = defined size;
#                          1 / portrait = keep aspect set height;
#                          2 / landscape = keep aspect set width;
#                          3 / auto = auto;
#                          4 / crop= resize and crop;
'fixed_image_creation_option'             => array( 'crop', 'auto' ), //set the type of the crop

// New image resized creation with relative path inside to upload folder after uploading (thumbnails in relative mode)
// With Responsive filemanager you can create automatically resized image inside the upload folder, also more than one at a time
// just simply add a value in the array
// The image creation path is always relative so if i'm inside source/test/test1 and I upload an image, the path start from here
'relative_image_creation'                 => false, //activate or not the creation of one or more image resized with relative path from upload folder
'relative_path_from_current_pos'          => array( './', './' ), //relative path of the image folder from the current position on upload folder
'relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend' => array( '', '' ), //name to prepend on filename
'relative_image_creation_name_to_append'  => array( '_thumb', '_thumb1' ), //name to append on filename
'relative_image_creation_width'           => array( 300, 400 ), //width of image (you can leave empty if you set height)
'relative_image_creation_height'          => array( 200, '' ), //height of image (you can leave empty if you set width)
#             $option:     0 / exact = defined size;
#                          1 / portrait = keep aspect set height;
#                          2 / landscape = keep aspect set width;
#                          3 / auto = auto;
#                          4 / crop= resize and crop;
'relative_image_creation_option'          => array( 'crop', 'crop' ), //set the type of the crop

// Remember text filter after close filemanager for future session
'remember_text_filter'                    => false,


return array_merge(
'MaxSizeUpload' => ((int)(ini_get('post_max_size')) < $config['MaxSizeUpload'])
? (int)(ini_get('post_max_size')) : $config['MaxSizeUpload'],
'ext'=> array_merge(
// For a list of options see:
'aviary_defaults_config' => array(
'apiKey'     => $config['aviary_apiKey'],
'language'   => $config['aviary_language'],
'theme'      => $config['aviary_theme'],
'tools'      => $config['aviary_tools'],
'maxSize'    => $config['aviary_maxSize']

>  dan terlihat
'access_keys' => array('4r5s-kduj7ts098'),
> kalian tinggal ubah  menjadi sesuka hati kalian
> contoh disini saya ingin mengubah menjadi :
'access_keys' => array('KONTOL'),

> klik save, dan maka saat kalian mengakses RFM nya dengan default key maka otomatis akan muncul 

> dan kalian juga bisa mengganti kata Access Denied! Menjadi apa saja, caranya? Use your brain, karena saya males ngetik panjang-panjang. 

See u